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Teatr Wielki w Łodzi (2015)

The first international guest performance of the "Richard Wagner Festival Wels" took place in Poland. The "Teatr Wielki w Łodzi" (Great Theater) is nowadays one of the most important opera houses in Poland. At this venue the Wels production "The Flying Dutchman" was played in January 2015. Because of the opera`s enormous size and this huge stage, a great expansion and enlargement  had to be done in the theatres own workshops. Under the musical direction of its former Music Director, Eraldo Salmieri, the opera was impressively performed with the orchestra and the ensemble of the house, as well as guest soloists. This collaboration resulted in the engagement of Salmieri as musical director of the new international festival.

The Flying Dutchman 2015 - Cast 


Eraldo Salmieri


Herbert Adler

Light-, Design-, Costume and Stagedesign:

Dietmar Solt


Grzegorz Szostak, Astrid Weber, Olga Maroszek, Clemens Biber, Dominik Sutowicz, Jukka Rasilainen

Chorus & Orchestra: 

Teatr Wielki w Łodzi

Royal Opera Muscat (2016)

When the invitation to the prestigious "Royal Opera House Muscat", Oman was issued in 2015, the opportunity was seized. Stage, costumes and projection videos were enlargeded and adapted, so the "Lohengrin" was prepared  for one of the most beautiful and demanding opera houses in the Arabic world. In October 2016, the opening night of the production took place in a special "Muscat" version, which was based on the guidlines of the house. An enormous media response followed this production, which had already entered the annals of the five-year-old top house. The acclaimed performances were on the agenda for weeks after the end of the tour and further collaboration was planned and discussed.

Lohengrin 2016 - Cast 


Ralf Weikert


Herbert Adler

Light-, Design-, Costume and Stagedesign:

Dietmar Solt


Jon Ketilsson, Anna Katharina Behnke, Lioba Braun, Clemens Unterreiner, Reinhard Hagen, Thomas Berau


Slovakischer Philharmonischer Chor


Slovakische Philharmonie

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