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Renate Doppler

Intendantin: Richard Wagner Festival International Productions

Born in Vienna. Later moved to Wels, where her father, the founder of the "Richard Wagner Festival Wels", KR Walter just established his company. In the family, music has always been in an exposed position, which has deepened through the friendship with Wieland Wagner. So it was quite natural that her musical interest was more and more focused on Wagner.
When it was possible to purchase the Stadttheater in Wels in 1984, the theater was renovated. In 1989 it was equipped to host a concert in the presence of Wolfgang Wagner. Through their first-rate contacts in the opera scene, the following concerts became a huge success. Since 1994, at the initiative of Prof. Günther Schneider Siemssen, the first opera has been performed here, and since then Renate Doppler has been the director of the "Richard Wagner Festival Wels", which grew from  a regional to an international event. In addition to her 25 years as a successful festival director, she also took over the exclusive management of opera singers and conductors.
Since 2016 and the founding of the "Wagner Festival Wels -International Productions", she has devoted herself exclusively to the worldwide establishment of her popular and acclaimed Wagner productions.

Dietmar Solt

Light-, Design-, Costume and Stagedesign

Born in Salzburg, studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts ("Mozarteum", Salzburg), graduated with distinction and a state prize. Internationally active as a stage and costume designer, light and video designer.
Since the beginning of the "Richard Wagner Festival Wels" in 1995, first as a costume designer, then as a general contractor for stage and costume design, light and video design as well as festival organization. His field of activity includes both the redesign of productions in Wels, as well as the realization of the operas at different international theaters. After the end of the 2015 festival at the Wels' headquarters in Wels and the continuation of the "Richard Wagner Festival Wels - International Productions", he will be responsible for the realization of existing operas at various national and international venues, technical adaptation, the organizational processes of the guest performances.
Establishing the festival’s operas further internationally is his supreme doctrine. Further new developments, in the sense of the festival, are in work and in the project stage.

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